
This section identifies the log files and their locations, and explains what they contain.

Logging for the Vocalocity Voice Browser

Logging is turned on and set to the INFO logging level by default. Before you view the log files, you should set the logging level for the various log files to the level that makes the most sense for your application and logging purposes. You set the logging levels in the log4j.xml file. Find this file in the following location:


The log files are stored in the following location:


The following table describes the log files for the Vocalocity Voice Browser.

Log File Name



General system logging


Logging for all things telephony, such as the interpreter, TTS, and ASR


Logging for vocalOS caching of VXML and audio files


Info Center errors


Logging for Info Center getting data to the event database


Logging for Info Center getting data to the reporting database and generating reports


Logging for getting data to the Control Center server


Logging for the Control Center server and communication with the clients


Logging for VXML generation from the published applications


Internal process management logging


Log file for JBoss, a third-party component

The gateway.log and server.log files on the node are used most often for troubleshooting. For your Excel installation, the Info Center and App Center log files will always be empty.

log4j.xml File

Each server that is running on the system has a section in the log4j.xml file.

<!-- SERVER files -->

<!-- ================================= -->

<!-- <appender name="FILE" class="org.jboss.logging.appender.DailyRollingFileAppender"> -->

<appender name="FILE" class="net.vocalocity.common.util.logging.RollingZipFileAppender"> <param name="File" value="${jboss.server.home.dir}/log/server.log"/>

<param name="Append" value="false"/>

<param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="10"/>

<param name="MaxFileSize" value="20MB"/>

<param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>

<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">

<!-- The default pattern: Date Priority [Category] Message\n -->

<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] %-5p [%c] %m%n"/>

<!-- The full pattern: Date MS Priority [Category] (Thread:NDC) Message\n

<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5r %-5p [%c] (%t:%x) %m%n"/>




The following table describes the parameters for the log file.

Parameter Name



The location of the log file


Indicates whether to append the log files or overwrite them on startup


The number of files to which the logs will roll when the logs reach the maximum file size


The maximum file size for the log before it rolls


The logging level, either INFO, DEBUG, WARN, or ERROR


The form of the log messages

Changing Logging Levels

At the bottom of the log4j.xml file is a setting that overrides all logging levels. Whatever level you set for the Priority Value is the deepest logging level you will get. For example, if you have the App Center Server logging level set to INFO and you change the Priority Value to DEBUG, you receive only the INFO level of logging. If any other server is set to DEBUG, you receive that level of logging.

<!-- ======================= -->

<!-- Setup the Root category -->

<!-- ======================= -->


<priority value="INFO"/>

<appender-ref ref="FILE"/>



In this example, to get DEBUG logging level for the App Center Server, first go to the App Center Server section and set the threshold value to DEBUG, then go to the end of the file and set the priority value to DEBUG as well.

Gateway Logging

The Gateway has two sections – FILE_GATEWAY and FILE_CACHING. Make sure you set the appropriate logging level in the FILE_GATEWAY section.

Logging for the CSP VoiceXML Server

The log file for the CSP VoiceXML server is vocalos_native_server.log. It is located in the following directory:


voslog.cfg File

You set up logging for the CSP VoiceXML server in the voslog.cfg file, located in the /opt/VocalOS/nativeServer/conf directory. The following example shows the voslog.cfg file.

# VocalOS Native Server

# Logging Configuration File


# Log File




# Log File Max Size before rolling the file

# this is specified in the number of bytes (approx)




# Log File Max Count before rolling back

# to the first name of the file




# Logging Level


# Available levels:


# LEVEL_EMERGENCY = 0x00000001

# LEVEL_FATAL = 0x00000002

# LEVEL_ALERT = 0x00000004

# LEVEL_CRITICAL = 0x00000008

# LEVEL_ERROR = 0x00000010

# LEVEL_WARNING = 0x00000020

# LEVEL_NOTICE = 0x00000040

# LEVEL_INFO = 0x00000080

# LEVEL_DEBUG = 0x00000100

# LEVEL_TRACE = 0x00000200

# LEVEL_API = 0x00000400

# Log level is set by setting the bits for desired levels.



# Shortcuts:


# TRACE => 1023 (3FF hex)

# DEBUG => 511 (1FF hex)

# INFO => 255 (FF hex)

# WARNING => 63 (3F hex)




# Log Filter




# Log Append



The following table describes the options you can set for logging in the voslog.cfg file.




The name of the log file


The maximum size for the log file


The maximum number of logs before the oldest log file rolls off. When the max log file size is reached, the older log file name changes to vos_native_server.log1, up to the max log roll count. In this example, the count is 4, so you will have vos_native_server.log1, vos_native_server.log2, vos_native_server.log3, and vos_native_server.log4. The higher the log number, the older the file is. After the next log file size is reached, log4 rolls off and is replaced by log3, which is replaced by log2, and so on.


An identifier for the logging level. Values are:

n 1023 – TRACE

n 511 – DEBUG

n 255 – INFO

n 63 – WARNING


Not used


Indicates whether you want to append log files. The default is False.

Additional Files

The following files are stored in the /opt/VocalOS/Server/bin directory:

u vocalos_daemon.log – Configured by vocalos-daemon.conf

u vocalocity_spwk_speechify.log – configured by vocalocity_spwk_speechify_log.cfg